Friday, September 2, 2011

Sepik River Trip

I went on a trip to the Sepik River. Had a great time. It was beautiful but the mosquitoes nearly carried me away. Highlights were seeing Birds of Paradise displaying at Wagu lakes, Garamut drum demonstration and thinking I was going Pukpuk spotting only to find a dirty great big harpoon and axe in the boat - turns out they weren't joking about the hunting bit - and great relief when the only one we spotted sensibly got out of our way.

Here are some photos:

Soccer field - Wagu Lakes

Middle Sepik - on the way to Chambri Lakes

Chambri Lakes - Haus Tambaran
Garamut drum
Jacob's guest haus Palambie

Haus Tambaran - Palambei

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Weekend in Western Highlands

Spent last weekend at Rondon Ridge in the Western Highlands province of Papua New Guinea. Great views over the mountains and the Wahgi Valley, including Mount Hagen. Also visited a couple of nearby villages and went bird-watching early Monday morning to see a couple of types of bird of paradise.

Here's some photos of our trip.

Megan and Shane